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Public Furniture is an important part of city public space. Public Furniture in the city is affecting people's lives. People who use Public Furniture to live in public spaces have different characteristics. For some people, it is a source of leisure and social happiness. For others, it is the preferred choice for street sleepers and alcohol drinkers. Therefore, not all forms of Public Furniture are equal. While keeping the city clean and safe, it may mean increased hostility towards some people. For example, some homeless people, casually sleeping on public seats, alcoholics, and some teenagers who play skateboards. Their use of Public Furniture dimmed the originally pleasant place, was regarded as troublesome and directly affected the use of public space. As a result, these diversified conflicts have arisen. These conflicts are reflected by analyzing the shapes and materials of these street furniture, and expressed in visual language.

公共家具是城市公共空间的重要组成部分。 城市公共家具正在影响着人们的生活。 使用公共家具生活在公共空间的人有不同的特点。 对于某些人来说,它是休闲和社交快乐的源泉。 对于其他人来说,它是露宿者和饮酒者的首选。 因此,并非所有形式的公共家具都是平等的。 在保持城市清洁和安全的同时,这可能意味着对某些人的敌意增加。 比如一些无家可归的人,随便睡在公共座位上,酗酒者,还有一些玩滑板的青少年。 他们对公共家具的使用,使原本宜人的地方黯然失色,被视为麻烦,直接影响了公共空间的使用。 因此,出现了这些多样化的冲突。 这些冲突通过分析这些街道家具的形状和材料来体现,并以视觉语言表达。

Benches: Videos
Benches: Work
Benches: Work
Benches: Work
Benches: Work
Benches: Work
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